Empowering Moms of Littles

I’m SO excited you’re here! Let me introduce myself! My name is Danielle and I’m a wife, mom of two little ones, dog mom and teacher turned WAHM turned working mama. I’ve been through many seasons as a mama and wear many hats throughout the day. Can you relate?

Before having my son, I was a kindergarten teacher for 5 years. After I had him, I had a gut feeling to leave the classroom to stay home with him. SO following that gut feeling, I leapt into a completely different career. I started working for my family’s real estate and property management company.

Around the same time I decided to stay home, I joined a community to focus on my health and fitness. I wanted to lose some weight I had gained after having my son. Through this community, I learned about a business opportunity within the company and again.. that gut feeling. I followed that feeling and started a business sharing my wellness journey on Instagram.

I host monthly wellness communities for busy women who want to prioritize their health and wellness with fast and effective workouts and easy to implement nutrition plans. I also host monthly mentorships for women who want to start their own health and wellness businesses. Together, my team helps women who need a community, something for themselves, something other than being just “mom”. We help women feel confident in their skin and shine their light in the world.

I started this blog to connect with other mamas of little ones. I want other mamas to know THEY matter, THEIR passions matter. Our lives don’t stop when we have kids. This is the time to SHOW our kids that they can chase their dreams because we’re leading the way chasing ours. I’d love to get to know you! Come say hi on Instagram @daniellemgodfrey

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How to Create a Healthier Home

When I became a mom, my overall perspective about health and wellness changed. I went from not really caring about or prioritizing wellness to becoming more aware and focusing on my health and wellness AND my family’s health and wellness as a whole. (Read more

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