3 Tips to Quickly Grow Your Business as a Wellness Influencer

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So you’re ready to grow and scale your business as a wellness influencer? YAY! Let’s do it! Here are my top 3 tips that have helped my business grow.

Interested in seeing what being a wellness influencer is all about? Try out my 5 day free workshop!

You might also be interested in – How to Monetize you Health Journey with an online Side Hustle

Invest in yourself and your business

This is a two parter! When you’re growing a business, you MUST be willing to invest in yourself AND in your business. You’ll be investing time AND money.

Invest in yourself

First and most important, you’re going to need to invest in yourself. Your journey is your job SO.. are you following a fitness program and meal plan that you can share about? Are you fueling your mind with personal development? You are inspiring more people than you even know but they must trust you in order to buy from you. In order for you to gain their trust, you need to be on your own health journey AND CONSISTENTLY showing up.

Invest in your business

You also need to be willing to invest in your business. Starting a business as a wellness influencer is not expensive but it’s also not free. Start by investing in your own journey by purchasing a package that gives you access to fitness and nutrition programs. You can fill out my form here, if you need access and want to join my team!

You’re also going to need to invest your time. It is possible to grow this business on the side if you’re super busy. (Hi! Busy mama here too!) Most of your work can be done in as little as one hour per day if you’re super intentional. Of course, if you want to grow faster, you may want to invest more time than that. You’ll also want to invest time in listening to trainings or team calls, finding and taking courses or other business resources.

Set aside INTENTIONAL time to work your business

It’s time to work SMARTER not harder. You’ve heard that before right? Well, the way we do this is through being intentional with the time we have to work. I know you’re busy. We all are. SO how can we be intentional with the time we do have?

Time Block

In my opinion, it’s much easier to batch work your business tasks that way when you’re focused on ONE thing, you can be in the zone and produce as much as possible of that one things. For example, content creation. As a wellness influencer, you’re going to put content out on social media. Schedule an hour in your week to create an entire week (or more) of content. That way, it’s just ready to go and all you have to do on the day of is press post. Write a list of everything you need to get done and how you can chunk your week so you batch work those tasks.

Ideas of things to batch:

  • Content creation
  • Checking in with current clients
  • Networking and connecting with prospects
  • Your systems – email marketing, onboarding, etc
  • Creative day – brainstorming for your groups, creating blog content (me today!)

Know what you’re doing BEFORE your work time

If we’re going to work intentionally, we want to know exactly what we’re doing during our work time. My best advice, complete your income producing activities first. What tasks are going to bring you an income? Is it connecting and networking? Responding to messages? Inviting people to try your product? Whatever it is for you, get those things done first. I like to complete these first and then I’ll work on my “batch” work tasks.

Work in your most productive hours

Is there a time in the day where you are most productive? Maybe you’re an early bird and just like to knock it out. Maybe you’re a night owl and work after the kids are in bed. Whatever your most productive time is, work then!

*If you are working this business on the side and can’t work during your most productive hours (because maybe it’s while your kids are awake), I highly recommend waking up before your kids get up. Early mornings might not be your jam at first BUT working during this time has been when I’ve been able to focus on growing my business AND I feel super accomplished even before the kids wake up.

Get comfortable being uncomfortable

If you’re growing a business as a wellness influencer, it’s likely that everything you’re doing is new and possibly uncomfortable. GOOD! If you’re uncomfortable, you’re growing. Keep doing the things that scare you most. The more you do something, the more comfortable you get, the more you’ll see yourself grow as a human and your business grow.

Be proud of yourself for taking those scary leaps! I’m cheering for you, girl!

Become a wellness influencer

If you’re interested in learning more about what I do as a wellness influencer and if it would be a good fit for you, read more here! I’d love to mentor you and help you grow your own business as a wellness influencer.