7 Myths about Being a Wellness Influencer

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myths about Being a Wellness Influencer

These days, you see eeeeeveryone on Instagram promoting something, sharing a link, sharing what they love, making money online… so why not you? There are some myths going around about being a wellness influencer and I’m going to address those here! If one of these myths is holding you back from getting started, let’s chat! Plain and simple, being a wellness influencer is for you IF (1) you are passionate or want to be passionate about health and wellness or (2) need some extra accountability in sticking with your OWN journey with health and wellness.

Here are some common thoughts that hold people back from just going for it and I hope to spread the truth that you don’t have to be perfect, have the perfect body, have experience or a ton of time. Anyone can do this, with some hard work and consistency.

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Myth #1: You have to have experience in health and wellness.

You DO NOT have to have experience in health and wellness to be a wellness influencer. In fact, I had no business becoming a wellness influencer when I got started because I had never stuck to a fitness routine, didn’t prioritize my wellness and had no idea what to do to “be healthy”. The most important part of your job is being on YOUR own journey and sharing that. When you join my team, you are partnering with a company of wellness professionals and THEY are the ones with the experience and knowledge. Your job is to simply use the products and programs and share what you’re doing, what you’re loving and what is working for you in YOUR life.


Myth #2: You have to have experience with Instagram.

Many people come into this business with little or no experience on Instagram besides just for personal use. When you work with me, I will teach you how to post and what to post so that you are connecting with and bringing in your dream clients. Like anything else, Instagram and marketing are a skill and skills you can learn. But before we get into fancy trainings about reels or your avatar, it truly does just start with your journey and sharing as you would if you had your own reality tv show. Little snips of your day. And “stories” on Instagram make it really easy to do that. BUT You’re not JUST a wellness influencer. You’re YOU. And people want to see other aspects of your life too so they can connect with you.

Things to share about OTHER than health and wellness as a wellness influencer:

  • Are you a mom? How old are your kids? What kinds of things do you do as a family?
  • What are your hobbies? Do you like to read? Do you have a garden? Do you love going to Disneyland?
  • What are you passionate about?
  • Do you have a full time job? Are you a SAHM?
  • What’s your daily life like?

People want to connect with REAL humans, not “perfect”. Perfect isn’t relatable.

Myth #3: It takes a lot of time.

What I love about this business is that you get to decide how much time you’re willing and able to put into it. And that can change depending on the season of life you’re in. It’s not how much time you put in, it’s the quality of the time you’re putting in. When you sit down to work, you need to know exactly what tasks are going to help you grow your business and what should take priority over other things like scrolling Instagram to find the perfect reel audio (guilty of this!) When you partner with me, I share an exact list of what we call “income producing activities” in order for you to see real success straight away. Generally, I share that if you have an intentional hour a day working on these tasks, your business, income and impact will grow.

Myth #4: You have to be a certain size or have a certain body type.

What I love about the online space and being a wellness influencer is that there’s no one body type. We are all REAL humans who just want to prioritize our health and wellness and help others do the same. Every BODY is beautiful and the more we can share that publicly and love our body where it’s at even if we do have a goal of physical transformation, we are going to change what it “looks like” to be “healthy”. It starts with real humans sharing real bodies. Your people will relate to you because they’ll see something in you and your story that connects to them and what they go through or what they struggle with. It has nothing to do with a certain size or certain body type.

Want to try being a wellness influencer to see if it’s for you? Check out my 5 day FREE apprenticeship!


Myth #5: You have to have a lot of followers on Instagram.

This is probably one of the top myths about being a wellness influencer. In reality, it’s better to have quality followers that really care about what you’re sharing about and the problem you’re going to help solve for them vs. the quantity of followers and having people who follow you but never see your content because they’re not engaged. The amount of followers you have will grow as you share content. Your content connects with people and your following grows as you engage with others. Social media is SOCIAL. The more social you are, the more your Instagram and business will grow.

Myth #6: It takes a lot of money.

Online businesses are so accessible to so many because they are such low cost and low risk. If you were to start a wellness brick and mortar business, you’d probably need to rent a space, buy a bunch of materials up front and then launch. With network marketing and online businesses, you don’t need that physical space or to buy materials up front. When you join my team as a partner in this business, you pay for just you starting package. The initial cost is the same for starting a business or just starting in my wellness community as a client. No extra cost so why not give it a shot? After your initial sign up, our cost to continue to keep our business open and ability to share our affiliate links and have access to our back office is just $15 a month. Not much at all.

Myth #7: It has to be your full time job.

This is one of those myths of being a wellness influencer that hit me the hardest when I was first starting out. I knew this was never going to be my full time job. It took a lot of personal development to get over this idea that I couldn’t be successful if it wasn’t my full time job.

I’ve made my niche and a lot of the content I share about that you can do this business on the side of your full time job. That this is for the mamas who want more impact, fulfillment and additional income on the side. I am proof that this business doesn’t have to be your full time job. You can still be successful being a wellness influencer on the side. And that’s the beauty of this business. It’s not going to look the same for ANYONE. We can uniquely build our businesses in a way that works in our lives. There’s no one size fits all when it comes to online businesses.


What other myths about being a wellness influencer do you have questions about?

I hope this opened your eyes to the truth and debunked some myths about what it takes to be a wellness influencer. You don’t have to have the perfect body, know everything about health and fitness or Instagram. You can do this on the side of your full time job and in little pockets of your day. If you have any other questions about partnering with me, I’d love to chat. My favorite place to connect is on Instagram. Come say hi @daniellemgodfrey!