9 Week Workout Plan – All The Info

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Ready to take your fitness to the next level? I have the PERFECT 9 week workout plan for you! Here’s all the details!

9 Week Workout Plan Details

The program at a glance:

  • 5 days a week (for 9 weeks)
  • Workouts are 18 – 30 minutes long
  • 3 Training methods – Density Training, Strength Complexes, and Tabata
  • Do the program at home – it comes with the equipment you need (except weights)
  • Equipment needed: door track, core ball, weights and step
  • Guided stretching meant for the evenings before bed

Test Group for this Program

I’m hosting a test group for this 9 week workout plan! Test groups are my favorite way to dive all in with a fitness routine because the accountability in a test group is unreal! The way my test groups work is every day, for the entire program, I post a check in in our private app. The check ins are motivational, community building and push you to reach toward your goals! We also track our workouts and nutrition in the app to stay accountable. I support you the ENTIRE way!

This test group officially starts January 4th, however it is open NOW and we will be prepping until our start date. If you’re interested in joining in, fill out this form!

AND if you’re reading this past the time of the test group DON’T WORRY! You can still get access to this program (PLUS tons of others) and join in with my wellness community for all the accountability at any point! If you’re interested in joining my wellness community, fill out this form!

Read more about my wellness community here!


9 Week Workout Plan Sample Workout

So.. you’ve read all about it and you’re still wondering if it’s for you? Try out the sample workout! It’s totally free!

Click to Play Sample Workout

BONUS: Nutrition Plans

You’ve heard the saying “you can’t out train a bad diet”. (Or if you haven’t.. now you have!) SOO as a bonus, this package comes with 2 different nutrition plans to choose from. One is based around portion control and the other is focused on intuitive eating. I’ve used both and have utilized both depending on the season of life I am in and what my goals are in that season. It’s up to you and what fits into your life. This isn’t about deprivation, it’s about understanding what YOUR body needs to be fueled and energized throughout the day.

Soooo.. what do you think?! You ready to take on this 9 week workout plan?!