How my Fitness Group Helped me Feel More Like me after Having a Baby

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If you’ve had a baby, you know how not you you feel after you deliver. This baby that has been living inside you for 9 months, all of a sudden is not. The biggest shock to me after having my baby was all the changes my body was going through. Not only does your body hurt and need to heal but also it’s figuring out how to produce milk and adjust to life with baby on the outside.

Your in this weird in-between place where your maternity clothes don’t really fit or feel comfortable but also there’s no way your pre-pregnancy clothes are fitting. It is uncomfortable to say the least and I dreaded going out in public.


To Feel More Like Me

I hate the phrase “get your body back” because your body just grew and held a baby for 9 months. Your body nourished and housed a tiny little egg that became your little one. You should feel proud and strong for all your body has done. But many people don’t realize the toll your body goes through to produce a human and unfortunately, there is a societal pressure to look like the pre-pregnant you after having your baby.

I’m not going to lie, I felt that societal pressure and it made the awkward transition period even more uncomfortable. So to feel more comfortable in my new mommy skin, I joined a fitness group with women I met on Instagram. I didn’t join a fitness group to “get my body back” because let’s be real your body is forever changed after having a baby, as it should be. However, I joined to feel more like me, to do something daily for myself, to get strong and start a healthy lifestyle so I’m always around and have the energy for my baby, future babies and family.


Fitness Community

I found this community through someone I followed on Instagram. She had two young kids (she had just had a baby a few months before me) and I felt drawn to her and her lifestyle. So, when she shared what she was doing, I filled out her form to join in with her, not really even knowing the extent to what I had just joined. I just knew I wanted to feel as happy and energetic as I saw in her stories.

I jumped in with a 21 day program. It takes 21 days to create a habit and after working out for 30 minutes a day for those 21 days, that’s exactly what I did. A habit that is now engrained in my lifestyle.

What I love about this community is that it is just that. I’m not going to the gym alone like I did pre-baby (when I even went to the gym at all). I’m not stuck trying to figure out what I need to do to get results. This fitness group is a complete package. It’s workouts you follow along with just like you have a personal trainer in your home, it’s nutrition plans and resources and it’s accountability. At any moment, I can check into my group, chat with ladies who need to workout still and we can hop on a video platform and encourage each other to get it done. These women, who I met online, have become friends.


It became more than just a fitness community.

It didn’t take long for me to realize the power in this program. That the equation of fitness plus nutrition plus support is one that is unique and life-changing. So, I decided to partner with the company and share my journey in hopes to inspire others who were feeling like me, uncomfortable in their new body, wanting to be strong, more energetic, confident in their body.

About my Fitness Group

Since becoming a coach, I created and am still creating my own fitness community. Now, I help women around the world create sustainable fitness routines that fit into their lifestyle. I am growing my own team of other ladies who want to inspire and share their journeys with other people and help others get started in their own health and fitness.

Because of a random stranger on Instagram who I joined in with, I have created a ripple effect. My family all uses the programs, friends, other ladies who I’ve met on Instagram, they’re all creating healthier lifestyles through my fitness group. We’re all helping each other stay accountable and motivated by checking in with each other. I am eternally grateful to my coach for helping me feel more like me again after I had my baby and I hope to do the same to so many other new mamas.

If you feel like you could benefit from a community like this, fill out this form and I’ll be in touch!