Fitting Your Workout in as a Busy Mama

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As a busy mama of two myself, I get it! We’re constantly caring for others, have a million tabs open in our brains to remember if we have milk, what activities our kids need to go to and when is the last time they had a bath? I know sometimes working out is the last thing we want to do and where even would we fit it in to our busy schedule? That’s where I can help!

But why?

First, let’s talk about WHY we need to be working out as busy mamas.

Working out has so many benefits besides just losing weight. Originally, I got started in a wellness community after having my son. I was 6 weeks postpartum and feeling just so uncomfortable in my body. I wanted to lose the baby weight I had gained while pregnant. Randomly, I saw a girl I followed on Instagram staring about a wellness group she was running with workouts I could do from home and I signed up! I felt the effects of working out IMMEDIATELY! And that’s when I decided to build a business helping busy mamas prioritize themselves and find the time to incorporate health and wellness into their busy lives. More about my story here!

Okay back to WHY we need to be working out. Here’s a list of all the things I have experienced since incorporating working out into my life:

  • More energy
  • More confidence
  • Feeling strong
  • Can keep up with my kids
  • More patience
  • Fun for the whole family – my kids and husband join in
  • Sleep better
  • It’s become my me time

Needless to say, it’s important. Personally, I think it’s crucial especially as a busy mama to workout. This goes way beyond just physical benefits. So now that we know how important it is, let’s chat about how we can fit it in!

Scheduling Your Workout

Working out does not need to be hours in the gym. When you do effective workouts, 10-30 minutes is really all you need in my opinion. (You can find some free 10 minute workouts on this page!) SO let’s reflect on what your schedule is like now, so we can find the time to SCHEDULE it into our day. Schedule it in like a very important appointment that you cannot miss.

  • What’s your schedule like now?
  • What time of day would work best in your schedule? Some of my clients love to workout first thing to set their day up and energize them for the rest of the day and some like to workout after work as a release. (Also, try things out! Just because you schedule your workout in the morning one day doesn’t mean you can’t try it out in the afternoon to see if that works better!)
  • Would waking up before your kids be beneficial to getting a workout in?
  • How long do you have to dedicate to working out? Maybe you have a newborn so 10-20 minute workouts is all you can find time for. That’s great! Maybe your kids are a little older and more independent so you can sneak away for a 45 minute workout. What season of life are you in? This will play a part in how long you have to workout.

Now that you’ve reflected, pick a time and schedule it in tomorrow. You have your appointment with yourself and you’re just going to see how it goes. Try out that time for a week or so to feel how it feels and see if it works. If not, switch it up! What matters is that you keep your appointment with yourself.

It’s scheduled, now what?

Scheduling your workout is the first part. Now, what are you going to do? Let’s find what workout will work best for you!

First, where are you going to workout? As a busy mama, I chose to have an at home workout schedule. There’s absolutely no way I’d be able to get to the gym daily/multiple times a week while having 2 little kids. If the gym is more your style, great! Just choose where you can be consistent with! Consistency is key!

Do you need a workout to follow along with or can you make up your own? Personally, I love the simplicity of just pressing play on an OnDemand workout and following along like I’m in a class. As a busy mama, I don’t have time to browse Pinterest for workouts or try to make up my own (plus I have no qualifications for that!)

What types of workouts do you enjoy? ESPECIALLY when you’re starting out, you need to be doing something that excites you! Are you a cardio girl? Love to lift weights? Into barre? Pilates? Boxing? Yoga? Running? There are so many different ways to move your body and in order to stay consistent (which again is the key!) you’ll want to be excited about your workout plan!

At Home Workout Schedule: My Schedule as a WAHM (Sample schedule)

When my son was born, I decided to leave the classroom (I was a kindergarten teacher) and work from home so I could be with him. My schedule has changed throughout the seasons of momming but here is my current schedule with a 3 year old and 9 month old! Don’t be afraid to try things out and see what works for you and your family! There has been a lot of tweaking and switching things up as my son got older and as we added another baby to the mix!

This is my at home workout schedule:

5:00 am – I wake up and do my morning routine
6:00 – 6:30 – Kids wake up, milk, breakfast
7:00 – 7:30 – Workout
7:30 – 8:00 – Get Beck ready for preschool and I shower/get ready
8:30 – Bottle for Cam and down for a nap
9:00 – 11:00 – Work while she naps
11:30 – Pick up Beck from school
12 – 1:30 – Lunch and play with the kids
1:30 – 2:30/3 – Work while they nap
3 – 7:30 – Play time, family time, dinner time, bath time – some days I hop on a call/training for coaching
7:30 – 8/8:30 – Catch up on anything work-wise that I didn’t get to during the day
8:30 until bed – unplug and relax

This is at home workout schedule is what currently works for us but guaranteed it’ll change again! Some days our schedule looks exactly like this and other days we’re very thrown off. As a busy mama it’s not going to be perfect! Know that and let that be okay! The important part is setting a plan in place and keeping that commitment to yourself even if it’s not perfect.

Want support and accountability in your health and fitness?

If you’re looking for support, accountability, motivation and fun in your health and fitness journey, I can help! I host a monthly wellness community filled with other women and moms just like you!

If you’re interested, fill out this form and I’ll be in touch! AND let’s connect on instagram! @daniellemgodfrey