Fitness Resolutions: How to Stay Motivated Beyond January

Fitness Resolutions: How to Stay Motivated Beyond January

Isn’t the new year so exciting? I love the feeling of a fresh year, new goals and the feeling of I can and WILL accomplish anything I set my mind to this year. Have you had fitness resolutions on your list of goals in the 

The 3 Most Common Excuses for not Prioritizing Fitness AND How to Overcome Them

The 3 Most Common Excuses for not Prioritizing Fitness AND How to Overcome Them

Have you ever said to yourself.. “I just don’t have enough time to workout” OR “I’m not motivated”. I get it! Before I found my secret sauce to consistent fitness, I had all the excuses too. It took for me to have a baby and 

How to Workout from Home as a Working Mom

How to Workout from Home as a Working Mom

Mama, I get it. You’re getting up, getting your kids ready, getting yourself ready and heading to drop offs and work. By the time you get home it’s dinner time, baths and bed time. You want to have time for you, you want to workout, 

Fitting Your Workout in as a Busy Mama

Fitting Your Workout in as a Busy Mama

As a busy mama of two myself, I get it! We’re constantly caring for others, have a million tabs open in our brains to remember if we have milk, what activities our kids need to go to and when is the last time they had 

How to Prioritize your Health Goals After the New Years Hype is Gone

How to Prioritize your Health Goals After the New Years Hype is Gone

It’s no longer January.. the “New Year, New Me” hype is gone. How are you doing on your health goals? Are you still working toward them? Have you given up already? I hope not! There is SO much time left in the year still for 

10 Minute Workout Abs

10 Minute Workout Abs

Need a 10 minute workout for your abs? I got you! Let me know if you complete this workout! I’d love to connect on Instagram @danielle_m_godfrey_ 10 Minute Workout for your Core Do each move for one minute. The moves where you do both sides, 

Best Fast Workouts for the Busy Mama

Best Fast Workouts for the Busy Mama

As a mom of two littles, I get it. We are BUSY! Being a mama is an always on type of job, so I know you need something fast and effective. That’s why I’m bringing you these fast workouts! Let’s get you in and out, 

Pregnancy Workouts at Home

Pregnancy Workouts at Home

First off… congratulations mama!! Whether this is your first pregnancy, second, third, fourth, fifth, etc each pregnancy is such a miracle and I am SO excited for you! If you want to move your body and workout from home during your pregnancy, you’ve come to 

9 Week Workout Plan – All The Info

9 Week Workout Plan – All The Info

Ready to take your fitness to the next level? I have the PERFECT 9 week workout plan for you! Here’s all the details! 9 Week Workout Plan Details The program at a glance: 5 days a week (for 9 weeks) Workouts are 18 – 30 

At Home Workout No Equipment Needed

At Home Workout No Equipment Needed

Need a workout you can do from home without equipment or with alternative equipment? Maybe you’re on a vacation, maybe you can’t find dumbbells to buy anywhere.. whatever the situation, I got you! Here are some free workouts that require no equipment. Cardio – This 

At-Home Crossfit Style Workout Program

At-Home Crossfit Style Workout Program

It’s rare when you find a workout program that feels like it was meant for you. And as dramatic as this sounds.. this is my soulmate program! It’s an at-home Crossfit style, strength training with high intensity and an indoor jumprope cardio aspect. After going 

At Home Gym DIY

At Home Gym DIY

Since I started working out, it was a dream to have a dedicated space for our at home gym! So, we transformed part of our garage into that space! This is how we created our at home gym DIY style… At Home Gym DIY Space 

An Inside Look at my Health and Wellness Group

An Inside Look at my Health and Wellness Group

Health and wellness is a huge passion of mine! The main reason for this passion is because of the community I have attached to it! My wellness group is a community of women all working on their own goals WHILE supporting and cheering on others 

Free At Home Workouts

Free At Home Workouts

Being able to workout at home has been a huge benefit in my life. Before joining an at home workout program, I belonged to a fancy gym that I “just didn’t have the time to go to” or in reality, the motivation to go to. 

How my Fitness Group Helped me Feel More Like me after Having a Baby

How my Fitness Group Helped me Feel More Like me after Having a Baby

If you’ve had a baby, you know how not you you feel after you deliver. This baby that has been living inside you for 9 months, all of a sudden is not. The biggest shock to me after having my baby was all the changes