7 Myths about Being a Wellness Influencer

7 Myths about Being a Wellness Influencer

These days, you see eeeeeveryone on Instagram promoting something, sharing a link, sharing what they love, making money online… so why not you? There are some myths going around about being a wellness influencer and I’m going to address those here! If one of these 

How to Make an Online Business: 5 Essential Steps

How to Make an Online Business: 5 Essential Steps

What a time to be alive, right? I mean we can literally create anything we think up in our brains. If you have a passion you want to turn into a business or side business, read on! This is for you! There is so much 

How to Start a Side Business while Working Full Time

How to Start a Side Business while Working Full Time

So you want to know how to start a side business while working full time? You’ve come to the right place! Somehow, I’ve always had some sort of side business while working full time. I never really was looking to start side businesses but as 

The Most Asked Questions about Partnering with BODi Answered

The Most Asked Questions about Partnering with BODi Answered

I want to break everything down and give you all the details so you can decide if partnering with BODi and joining my team is for you! SO here are all the answers to the frequently asked questions I get but if you have another 

I want to build a side income: affiliate vs partner?

I want to build a side income: affiliate vs partner?

45% of Americans have a side business. ALMOST HALF! The average side hustle brings in $897.04 a month and 15% of people with a side business make more than $1,500 a month. (Stats by self.inc) So there’s no wonder you want to start a side 

How to Workout from Home as a Working Mom

How to Workout from Home as a Working Mom

Mama, I get it. You’re getting up, getting your kids ready, getting yourself ready and heading to drop offs and work. By the time you get home it’s dinner time, baths and bed time. You want to have time for you, you want to workout, 

A New Year & a Re-Launch of my Mom Blog

A New Year & a Re-Launch of my Mom Blog

As this year begins, one of my goals is to follow my passions and work my business in a way that feels good and feels FUN! Blogging has always been an interest of mine starting with my first site www.onekreativekindergarten.com when I was a kindergarten 

5 Changes I’ve Made While Growing my New Instagram

5 Changes I’ve Made While Growing my New Instagram

What would you change if you were to start over? Well… I did start over and I have made some changes AND they’re helping me grow my business on Instagram. Here are the 5 things I’m doing differently as I grow my new Instagram for 

3 Tips to Quickly Grow Your Business as a Wellness Influencer

3 Tips to Quickly Grow Your Business as a Wellness Influencer

So you’re ready to grow and scale your business as a wellness influencer? YAY! Let’s do it! Here are my top 3 tips that have helped my business grow. Interested in seeing what being a wellness influencer is all about? Try out my 5 day 

Coach Mastermind Retreat Recap: 3 Takeaways

Coach Mastermind Retreat Recap: 3 Takeaways

A couple weeks ago, I went on a coach mastermind retreat. This is a retreat I earned through helping other women getting started in their own health and wellness and helping women start their own wellness businesses. This is the second retreat I’ve earned and 

Balancing Building a Business and Busy Mom Life

Balancing Building a Business and Busy Mom Life

Balancing business and mom life can be tough but it IS possible to be successful and feel fulfilled in both. I started building my wellness business when my son was 6 weeks old. So really, I’ve grown this business his entire life and have had 

How to Become a Wellness Influencer (FREE Workshop!)

How to Become a Wellness Influencer (FREE Workshop!)

Have you thought about earning an income online? Maybe you enjoy health and wellness, maybe you want to share your life on social media OR maybe you just need that thing for YOU! Whatever your reason for clicking on this post, I’m SO excited you’re 

How to Monetize your Health Journey with an Online Side Hustle

How to Monetize your Health Journey with an Online Side Hustle

The average millionaire has 7 streams of income. So why not start an online side hustle? Read all about becoming a wellness influencer!

Side Hustle Online: Change your Life as a Wellness Influencer

Side Hustle Online: Change your Life as a Wellness Influencer

Ahh I’m SO excited to share all about this side hustle online and community that I’ve been apart of that has completely changed my life and how you can JOIN us!! What is a Wellness Influencer? So first things first.. what is a wellness influencer? 

Crafting Your New Years Vision Board

Crafting Your New Years Vision Board

As we head into the new year, how are you feeling? Ready to set some new goals, craft your new years vision board and crush the upcoming year? Well.. you’re in the right place! Today, we’re going to talk about how to create your new 

Best Personal Development Books and Podcasts

Best Personal Development Books and Podcasts

Personal development has become apart of my daily routine! I love to read personal development books AND listen to podcasts and audiobooks. Here are some of my favorite personal development books and podcasts that I’ve read in the last year. My Favorite Personal Development Books 

Top tips for Starting a Side Business

Top tips for Starting a Side Business

A side business can be such a fun way to pour into something you’re passionate about while making a little (or a lot of) extra money! I’ve had 2 side businesses and still actively work one. My first side business was creating resources for other 

My Side Hustle From Home – Behind the Scenes

My Side Hustle From Home – Behind the Scenes

I’ve had two different side hustles in my life! My first side hustle came about when I was teaching. I enjoyed creating my own resources for my classroom because I knew it would be exactly what I needed and it was a creative outlet for 

Transitioning from a Teacher to a Work at Home Mom

Transitioning from a Teacher to a Work at Home Mom

Transitioning from a teacher to a work at home mom was and is still a huge life change that I’m figuring out daily. I wanted to be a mom for forever. I played with dolls as a kid and always imagined what it would be