Easy Meal Ideas for Toddlers

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I don’t know about you but I’m constantly trying to give my toddler food that he’ll eat and not just throw on the floor! Some days and meals I’m more successful than others. I’m sure you can relate, ha! Check out our favorite easy meal ideas for toddlers below.

Toddler Breakfast Ideas

Beckham (my toddler) LOVES breakfast! Most the time breakfast has the least amount of food on the floor when he’s done. I pick and choose a combo of the items on the list below.

Breakfast Ideas for Your Toddler:
– Banana
– Strawberries
– Blueberries
– Pineapple
– (really any fruit but these are his fav.)
– Toast
– Pancakes
– Egg
– Chicken apple sausage


Toddler Lunch Ideas

Lunch and dinner usually have similar things and I mix and match depending on what we have and what he’s eaten recently. I always try to choose a protein, fruit and veggie.

Lunch Ideas for Your Toddler:
– Any fruit (give your little one lots of chances to try different fruits!)
– Corn
– Peas
– Zucchini
– Turkey slices
– Ham slices
– Quesadilla
– Grilled Cheese

Toddler Dinner Ideas

Again, I usually mix the list from lunch ideas with dinner so look above for more dinner ideas!

Dinner Ideas for Your Toddler:
– Fruit (I do fruit at every meal because it’s always a hit!)
– Cucumber
– Tomatoes
– Carrots
– Beans
– Sweet Potato
– Chicken nuggets
– Pasta (although Beck usually throws this on the floor)


Meal Ideas for Toddlers (Beck’s Favorites)

Beck’s ultimate favorite meals are:
– Breakfast: Banana, blueberries and toast with butter
– Lunch: Strawberries, cucumber or corn, sliced turkey
– Dinner: Raspberries, sweet potato, chicken nuggets

What are your toddler’s favorite meals?

Toddler Meal Essentials

Here are some of the things Beck uses for every meal! What are your mealtime essentials for your toddler?

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Bibs: These bibs catch the food that he spills and ends up being a big food saver! This pack is similar to what Beck uses.

High Chair: Our high chair attaches to one of our kitchen table chairs. I liked this better than a stand alone high chair just to save space in our house. This high chair from Amazon is similar to Beck’s chair!

Sippy Cups: I feel like we’ve tried so many sippy cups and these seemed to be the ones that Beck liked best!

Now that we’ve covered easy meal ideas for toddlers, why don’t you check out easy healthy dinner ideas for adults!