5 Tips to Easily Eat Healthy on Vacation

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Often a big part of a vacation is what you get to eat and drink. In the past, I’ve used vacation as an excuse to eat whatever I want, binging and drinking too much because “why not?”. “Vacation calories don’t count right?” And while I’m a huge advocate for not restricting yourself, when I ate with that mindset, I often went home from a trip feeling absolutely disgusting. Now, I have (what I think is) a nice balance and I like to enjoy while eating what makes my body feel good. Here are my 5 tips to eat healthy on vacation.

1. Drink plenty of water

I don’t know about you but I have a way harder time drinking water when I’m on vacation. So to be sure I’m getting enough water, I like to order water with whatever else I’m drinking at each meal and finish that glass or more at the meal. I also bring a water bottle from home that I can fill up and bring with me when we go out. Be sure you’re getting plenty of water regardless of where you’re traveling but especially when you’re going to places with warm weather.

2. Eat lots of plants

On vacation, you never know what kind of access you’ll have to certain foods SO focus on eating different plants. At the buffet, opt in to the salad bar. Get a fruit salad as a part of your breakfast. If you’re ordering at a restaurant, choose a veggie as your side. If you’re somewhere near a grocery store, grab some fruits and veggies that you can snack on. Sneak those plants in throughout the day because they’re going to make your body feel good.

3. Follow similar eating habits that you have at home

When you drastically change your eating, that’s when your body has a hard time, leaving you feeling bloated or with an upset tummy. Just because you’re on vacation doesn’t mean you can’t follow similar eating habits that you have at home.

My meal plan is especially easy because I follow a simple plating method. The plan that I follow is broken down by meal.

  • Breakfast- 50% carbs, 50% protein
  • Lunch- 50% veggies, 25% protein, 25% carbs
  • Dinner- 75% veggies, 25% protein

Sure, it won’t be perfect but it can be a guideline. And it’s simple so I can use it at home AND on vacation.

4. Don’t stress

You’re on vacation! The last thing you want to feel is stressed. If you overeat a bit one night, it doesn’t mean you need to starve yourself the next day or workout extra hard when you get back. Do what you can to eat foods that make you feel good and don’t stress when it’s not perfect.

5. Enjoy every bite!

It’s okay to enjoy some foods and treats you maybe wouldn’t normally eat. In fact you SHOULD and you should enjoy every bite! It’s okay to order dessert. It’s okay to have an extra drink. It’s okay to try something that sounds delicious to you! Enjoy every second without feeling guilty. Even if you feel a little bleh coming home because of eating different foods, it doesn’t mean you’re going to always feel like this. It’s one vacation. Enjoy and then get back to eating on your normal plan when you get home.

Eat healthy on vacation

So do you eat healthy on vacation? What helps you? I’d love to hear from you if you found this helpful! Let’s connect on instagram @daniellemgodfrey.

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