Fitness Resolutions: How to Stay Motivated Beyond January

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Isn’t the new year so exciting? I love the feeling of a fresh year, new goals and the feeling of I can and WILL accomplish anything I set my mind to this year. Have you had fitness resolutions on your list of goals in the past? Are you reaching those fitness goals or falling short? That’s where I can help! Let’s chat about all things fitness goals and helping you stay motivated beyond the first part of the year!

Building Habits

First thing first, let’s talk about “motivation”. Motivation will only get you so far and in January we’re typically more motivated because we see messaging like “new year, new me” and we talk about goals for the year and it’s just all new and exciting. But what happens in February? March? Beyond..? That’s where I come in, to help you create HABITS when you can’t rely on motivation.

Habits are what will sustain you when you lack motivation. When you build a habit, it becomes automatic, a part of you. So what habits would help you achieve your fitness goals? I suggest (1) making it simple, (2) habit stacking, (3) getting support to help your habits stick.

how to stay motivated in your fitness

Make it Simple

It’s way easier to stick to something if it’s simple, a no-brainer. For me, with fitness resolutions, this looks like working out from home. I know in my season of life, with two small children and working full time, I am busy and have no time to waste driving to a gym or planning around classes a studio offers. For me, it’s much easier to simply walk to my garage and workout from there so my kids can play around me, so I can pause my workout if I’m needed as mom, so I can start my workout whenever I’m ready.

Maybe in your season of life, going to the gym would be more simple or finding a studio that had a specific class time would work best for you. You need to find what would be simple for YOU and your current life situation.

If you’re interested in getting access to home workouts and learning about my wellness community, CLICK HERE or grab my free workouts you can do from home below!

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    Habit Stacking

    I’ve found that starting a new habit can be easier when you pair it with a habit you’re already doing. So with fitness resolutions, maybe you already have a habit of getting up in the morning and drinking your coffee. Pair that with putting your workout clothes on so as soon as you’ve had your morning coffee, you head right to workout. Or maybe you work somewhere where you could get outside during your lunch break and take a walk. Think of something you already do every day and pair it with something that will support your fitness resolutions.

    For me, I know that first thing I wake up and have my preworkout/electrolytes as I’m doing my morning routine, that way when my kids get up and the morning routine is over, I have the boost in energy to workout. I started habit stacking a new way to move my body recently too. I’ve been wanting to learn line dancing and since I have already made it the habit to workout every morning, I’ve paired that with learning a line dance. Habit stacking can help create consistency!

    fitness resolutions

    Get Support

    I truly believe in the power of telling someone close to you or telling people publicly or on social media what your goals are and what you’re doing to reach them. When you tell people, it makes it more real and harder to give yourself excuses because you’re not the only one who knows about them anymore. SO tell someone close to you and maybe even get a buddy to workout with, someone who can hold you accountable.

    I also believe in getting into “rooms” either physically or virtually and getting into communities where you’re with others who have the same goals, similar values or with people who have already reached the goal you’re working toward. Being around others in a community like this keeps you on the path to hitting your goals and could even help you hit them faster.

    If fitness and wellness is your goal this year, I host a monthly wellness community with women who want to prioritize their health and wellness. Learn more about joining that community HERE.

    fitness resolution ideas

    Fitness Resolutions Ideas

    Here are some ideas that you can use for your fitness and wellness resolutions this year:

    Regular Exercise Routine:
    – Commit to a specific number of days per week for regular exercise. Find a workout routine you’re excited about! If you need help, I’m your girl!

    Explore New Fitness Activities:
    – Make a resolution to try out new fitness activities or classes. This could include yoga, Pilates, dance, martial arts, or any activity that piques your interest.

    Set Realistic Fitness Goals:
    – Establish specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) fitness goals. This could be achieving a certain number of steps per day, lifting a specific weight, or running a certain distance.

    Social Fitness:
    – Combine socializing with fitness. Whether it’s joining group classes, participating in team sports, or going on active outings with friends, incorporating social elements can make fitness more enjoyable.

    Wellness Resolution Ideas

    Mindful Eating Practices:
    – Focus on mindful eating by savoring each bite, paying attention to hunger and fullness cues, and making healthier food choices. Consider incorporating more whole foods into your diet.

    Hydration Habit:
    – Resolve to drink an adequate amount of water daily. Staying hydrated is essential for overall health and can impact your energy levels and cognitive function. What’s your daily water goal?

    Prioritize Sleep:
    – Set a goal for a consistent sleep schedule. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to support recovery and overall well-being.

    Stress Management Techniques:
    – Incorporate stress management practices into your routine. This could include mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, or regular relaxation activities.

    Screen Time Reduction:
    – Make a resolution to reduce screen time, especially before bedtime. This can positively impact your sleep quality and overall mental well-being.

    Regular Health Checkups:
    – Schedule regular health checkups and screenings. Regular medical checkups can help catch potential health issues early and ensure you’re taking a proactive approach to your well-being.

    Digital Detox Days:
    – Dedicate certain days or times of the week to digital detox. Disconnect from screens and engage in outdoor activities, socializing, or other non-digital pursuits.

    Gratitude Journaling:
    – Start a gratitude journal to focus on the positive aspects of your life. This can contribute to your overall mental and emotional well-being.

    What are your fitness and wellness resolutions for this year? I’d love to connect and hear your goals! My favorite place to connect is on Instagram @daniellemgodfrey.