How to Make Time for yourself as a Working Mom

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You wake up in the morning, get the kids ready, get yourself ready and head off to work. You work all day, pick the kids up and head home to make dinner, do bath and bedtime. You’re exhausted. You take care of everyone all day long, what about you? You KNOW there’s more to life than this. You KNOW you deserve time for you, to pour into you and your passions. So how? How to make time for yourself as a working mom?

That’s where I come in!

How to make time for yourself as a mom

How to Make Time for yourself as a Working Mom

If you follow me on Instagram, you know I preach making time for yourself as a mama. (And if we’re not connected on there, come say hi! @daniellemgodfrey) I want you to pour into YOU first so you can have the energy, patience and presence to be the best mama, wife, coworker, etc. You DESERVE to have time for you especially as a mama and as a working mama.

Here are some tips that work for me. Try them out and see if any of them work for you! AND if you have any tips, I’d love to hear them!

1. Schedule in things that give you joy and make you feel fulfilled

As good of intentions as you may have, when you don’t actually schedule something in, chances are, it’s not going to get done. Too many things come up as busy mamas. SO if you want to make more time to do the things you love, SCHEDULE IT.

Want to workout? WHEN will you complete it? How much time do you need? Will you workout at home or the gym? Do you need someone to watch the kids or will you wake up and get it done before they’re awake? (Side note: need some workouts you can do at home with a community of other mamas? Learn more about my Wellness Community here!)

Want to start a side business? What hours will you work it? What will you do during those work times?

Want to read more? WHEN will you read? Will you sacrifice some TV and scrolling time in the evenings or will you read as part of your morning routine?

You get the point. If you want to get stuff done, it NEEDS to be scheduled.

I use a digital planner I got on etsy. I set up my day each day and what I will do when either the night before or first thing in the morning. IF something doesn’t happen how I planned it, I give myself grace and reschedule. You’re human and you’re a mom. Things are going to happen and get in the way. It’s okay but be able to distinguish an excuse from something important getting in the way.

make time as a mom

2. Get up before your kids wake up

Or use the time when they go to bed… or both! Waking up an hour or so before the kids wake up has been a huge time increase for me. I like to have some morning me time with a morning routine working with vision, journaling, reading personal development and working out. This time in the morning sets me up for the day. I find that when I prioritize this time, I am much more productive, energetic and patient throughout the rest of the day.

Can you wake up a little earlier to do something that makes you feel good? OR if you’re “not a morning person”, find some time at night when the kids go to bed. Maybe instead of vegging out to a show, take an hour to work on a side hustle, take some time to read, take an online course. Whatever would lead you to reaching your goals, do that!

3. Be intentional with the downtime (cracks) you have during the day

Can you be more productive with your downtime or the “cracks” in your day? Things I do to maximize my time:
– While I’m sitting with the kids while they have milk in the morning and watching a cartoon, I’ll post a post for the day (something that I do daily for my business).
– While I’m getting dinner ready, I’ll do the dishes as I go so it’s less to do later on.
– While the kids play, I’ll sit on the floor with them and also do laundry or include them in folding the laundry.
– Kids help me clean up the room before going on to something else or another part of our day so I’m not stuck cleaning it on my own.
Little things like this can help you be more intentional with your time and maximize the time you have for YOU!

4. Use commute time

I use commute time to listen to a podcast or audio book! I find something that’s going to uplift and inspire me and help me grow in my business development or in my personal growth. Do you listen to podcasts? Try it out on your next commute!

Some of my favorite personal development podcasts:
– EmpowerHer with Kacia Ghetmiri
– Do Your Crap with Micah Folsom
– Earn Your Happy with Lori Harder
– Goal Digger with Jenna Kutcher
– The Path to Mindset Mastery with Brad Bizjack

5. Do a time audit on how you’re using your time now

Somethings to take note.. start with your screen time and what apps you’re most using on your phone. There’s a stat on your phone that tells you what apps you’re using most and how much time you spend on them. How caught up on Netflix series are you? Do you know all the celebrity drama?
Now, I don’t believe in depriving yourself of things you love SO if you love scrolling or watching the latest series that’s fine but ask yourself, is this moving me closer to my goals? Maybe instead of watching 2-3 hours of a show each evening, you can do an hour of something that is going to make you feel good and productive and THEN watch what you want to watch.

We all have the same amount of time in a day, but it’s how we use that time is what sets us apart.

find time for you as a mom

6. Involve your kids (and your family)

If it’s important to you, the closest people to you should know about it.

If you’re finding time to work out, invite your kids to do it with you. Share your passions and why you enjoy working out.

If you’re finding time to pour into a hobby, explain what you’re doing and why you enjoy it. Involved your family if they’d like to join in.

If you’re finding time to read more, get out some books for your kids and set up a “library” so they can read too.

What do you want to do more and how can you involve those around you?

7. Ask for help

I’ll admit… this is the hardest for me. Asking for help is hard sometimes but this is your reminder that you’re not inconveniencing anyone and people actually like to help. SO ask for help from your partner. Explain what this looks like. Maybe they take the kids certain nights when you have team calls. Maybe they get the kids out of the house for an hour over the weekend so you can have some quiet time to pour into your hobby. Maybe you have the option to ask for help from your family or to hire a nanny or a babysitter.

Help can also look like getting groceries delivered instead of shopping for them yourself. Hiring a house cleaner is helpful so you aren’t the one cleaning. Workout at home, following along with a trainer instead of trying to figure it out on your own at the gym. All these things that seem small add up as time that is taken from your day. SO where could you use some help? Start there!

How to Make Time for yourself as a Working Mom

So, which time hacks will you try to make time for yourself? I’d love to hear what works for you and if you have anything else to add to this list!