How to Meal Plan for the Busy Mama

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I know you’re busy mama! I’m here to help with some simple meal planning tips, ideas and resources! Let me help you learn how to meal plan so you can set up your week for success even as a busy mama!

How to Meal Plan

First things first, you need to schedule in a time to plan your meals! I like to do this on Saturdays or Sundays. I plan for 30 minutes to an hour depending on how much time I want/need to search for new meal inspiration! (Depends on how creative I want to be, hah!)

Once you have your time set to meal plan, it’s time to get to work! Gather all the resources you enjoy to find meal inspiration. You can keep it as simple or get as fancy as YOU want!


Resources I use to Find Meal Inspiration

Pinterest: This is probably the resource I use MOST when I need some meal inspiration. I search anything from “healthy recipes” to “easy chicken dinner recipes”. Pinterest is seriously the best place to just get lost in your search and there are so many amazing resources and recipes that live there.

Beachbody Blog: These recipes go along with the nutrition plans I follow so I always like to search here as well. You can filter by main ingredient, meal, cooking method, season and so much more!

Weekly Meal Plans that I send out to customers/coaches: If you don’t know, I run a Wellness Community online. Each week, I send out weekly meal plans to my customers and coaches. These recipes also go along with the nutrition programs we use which makes it super easy to stay on track while still enjoying delicious foods!

You can also check out my recipes page and see if you can find inspo for your meals there!

Meal Planner Freebie

To make meal planning easier, I created a meal planner freebie! You can grab that here! I use this meal planner every week for my own meal plans as well.


Write a Grocery List and Get Groceries

After you plan out your meals, write a list of everything you’ll need for each meal! I write it as I go so once I’m done I can order groceries and be done and set for the week ahead! As a busy mama, I’ve found that ordering groceries saves lots of time! I use Instacart to order my groceries. Use my link to get $10 off your order!

I hope this was helpful and gave you some resources when you meal plan! We’re already busy enough as mamas. Take a chunk of time to focus on meal planning to set yourself and your family up for success this week!