How to Prioritize your Health Goals After the New Years Hype is Gone

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It’s no longer January.. the “New Year, New Me” hype is gone. How are you doing on your health goals? Are you still working toward them? Have you given up already? I hope not! There is SO much time left in the year still for you to reach those goals you created when you were excited for a fresh new year. Here’s how we can prioritize your health goals after the new years hype is gone!

Go back to your WHY – Why did you create this health goal?

So.. why did you? Maybe it was to lose some weight after eating too many treats during the holidays.. maybe it was to feel better, have more energy, feel more confident.. maybe it was because that’s usually a goal people have so why not put that goal on your list too?

Let’s go deeper.

What would it feel like if you prioritized your health consistently? Would you have more energy to keep up with your kids? Would you feel more confident in your clothes? What about just having some time for yourself? How would it feel?

So.. What is your why? The reason you WANT to prioritize your health goals this year. Write it down and read it EVERY SINGLE DAY until prioritizing your health becomes a habit.

Keep it simple

Deciding to work on your health goals doesn’t mean you need to spend an hour in the gym and only eat chicken and broccoli. You can and should ENJOY working on your goals.

Short and Effective Workouts

When you have a plan and stick to the plan, you will see results. SO I recommend following a workout program designed by a trainer. These workouts are 20-30 minutes long and are built to be effective so you’re getting in and out and on with your day.

If you need workout access you can do from home OR the gym – click here!

Simple Nutrition

Nutrition is 80% of your results so what you put in your body DOES matter but it doesn’t mean you need to count calories, measure your food or take hours to plan and prep your meals. I follow a plating system from a nutritionist that teaches you how to set up your plate at each meal to get the most benefit from your foods. For example, you want to be sure to eat carbs at breakfast and lunch because they give you energy to get through the day!

If you need simple nutrition plans – click here!

Lean in to your community

There is SO much power in community! Do you have a community of like minded women you can turn to? Do you have friends to hold you accountable? Are you working toward your health goals with others? If not, I got you! You can join my community – click here!

Make your health goals your job

The number one thing I did to stay consistent with my health goals is I made it my job. I host a monthly wellness community for women to come together, cheer each other on and work toward their goals. We have daily check ins with tips and motivation, self-care and mindset work. This is a community and a family where there is no judgement, only love and support.

I ALSO mentor women who want to make this their job too! I teach you how to create your own business sharing your wellness journey and helping others get started in our community. You don’t need to be an expert in fitness or nutrition. You don’t even need to have workout experience. All you need is to be open to learning and sharing your experience genuinely.

To learn more about this opportunity click here!