How to Start a Side Business while Working Full Time

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So you want to know how to start a side business while working full time? You’ve come to the right place! Somehow, I’ve always had some sort of side business while working full time. I never really was looking to start side businesses but as someone who is always striving for more, it just sort of happens.

My Story

My first side business was when I was teaching. I would create resources for my kindergarten class and sell them online to other teachers. I started a teacher blog with that business as well. After I stopped teaching, a new side business opportunity fell into my lap.

I was 6 weeks postpartum with my first baby and desperately wanted to feel like myself again. I didn’t recognize myself in my new mom bod, was exhausted and needed something for me. One day, when I was scrolling instagram and a girl I followed was sharing about a 3 week at home workout challenge where we would workout and check in as a community. I signed up without knowing this would lead to my second side business. (Although, I was not actively working my teaching side biz.)

This online fitness community introduced me to the world of network marketing. I learned I could share my story online, build a personal brand sharing my journey, my life, my interests, connect with people like me and help them use the same tools and join my community that helped me change my life. It was a no-brainer. Of course I had to pursue this business.

These two side businesses have looked very different because of the season of I life I was and am in currently. With my teaching side business, I wasn’t married yet, had no kids and was off at 3, would get home around 4 and had a lot more time on my hands. Currently, I am married, have two young kids, work full(ish) time with my family’s property management/real estate company am getting my real estate license and am building this wellness business amongst it all! Here are my top tips for how to start a side business while working full time.

Schedule your work time

There are two ways you can schedule your work time. And for me, it really varies depending on season of life and honestly, how well my kids are sleeping. So try one and if that doesn’t work, try the other!

Time Block

My favorite way to schedule my time to work my business is to time block. I like to wake up early before my kids wake up and get an hour of work in (iiiiiif they’re sleeping well, which is hit or miss with young kids). During that hour is when I get my most important tasks done, things that really move my business forward. That way, when the hour is up and it’s time to workout and get ready and get the kids ready and head out the door to drop offs and work, I already feel like I’ve done something productive in my business.

Other than that hour chunk in the morning, I block off 30 minutes to an hour at night after the kids have gone to bed to get some more work done, tie up loose ends, do more fun, creative work. Usually, I’m tired from the day and creative work is fun for me.

Time blocking is how I like to build my business in a perfect world but with kids it doesn’t always happen. That’s where pockets of time come in.

Pockets of Time

Building your business in pockets of time is another way to spend intentional time working on your business. Think of this as intentional 15 – 20 minutes here and there throughout the day. When working in pockets of time, write out what tasks are important to get done each day and prioritize. First pocket of time you have, do the most important thing. That way if you don’t get to ALL the tasks on your list, you’re still moving your business forward because you’re prioritizing.

Utilize small time intervals like lunch breaks, commutes, and evenings to accomplish smaller, manageable tasks. Have a daily checklist and mark things off when you get them done. Where in your daily schedule could you find 15 – 20 minutes? Create a schedule and stick to it, setting aside specific time slots for your side business. Consistency and dedication in utilizing your pockets of time will help you make meaningful progress in your side business while you work a full time job.

Utilize your weekends

When it comes to working a side business while having a full-time job, weekends can be valuable chunks of time that allow for focused work. To effectively utilize your weekends, start by brain dumping and planning. Identify the most critical tasks that need your attention and create a schedule accordingly. I use my weekends for projects or tasks that take longer to get done. For my business, I create social media content, schedule out posts in my wellness community and even do planning for future groups on the weekend.

Delegate or ask for help

Delegating or seeking help can be a crucial strategy for effectively managing a side business while working a full-time job. Recognize that you can’t do everything alone and identify tasks that can be outsourced or delegated to others. Start by assessing your strengths and weaknesses to determine which areas could benefit from external support. Consider hiring freelancers, virtual assistants, or interns to assist with tasks such as content creation, social media management, or administrative work. Additionally, don’t hesitate to seek help from friends, family members, or fellow entrepreneurs who may be willing to contribute their expertise or lend a helping hand. By effectively delegating or asking for help, you can free up valuable time and energy, allowing you to focus on critical aspects of your side business and achieve greater efficiency in managing both your job and entrepreneurial pursuits.

Remember your why and hold it close

Building a business on the side of a full time job is hard. There will be days where you question if you even want to continue. This is when your why is crucial. WHY do you want to be creating this side business? What does it do for you? What does it add to your life? Write it down and read it every day. Keep your why close to your heart. Your why is what will keep you consistent when the motivation isn’t there.

Remember, if you have a dream on your heart, it’s there for a reason. It’s on your heart because it’s meant for YOU. You are meant to make an impact with your thing, your side business. Keep going even in the hard. Hold that why close to you and remember the bigger picture of why you started and what your purpose is.

Interested in starting a side business in health and wellness?

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