Morning Routine Ideas To Set Up Your Day

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Having a strong morning routine has really contributed to the overall feeling of my day. When I do my daily morning routine, I feel refreshed, motivated and ready to conquer my day! Check out these morning routine ideas to add to your morning!


Start Your Morning Routine off Strong

Wake up and immediately do something you enjoy. For me, this is make coffee! Everything from picking out a cute mug to smelling the coffee brew to the first sip is a total experience and something that starts me off in a good mood! What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of something you enjoy about your morning? DO THAT!

Daily Affirmations App

Once I have my coffee, have chugged some water and am sitting on the couch with a blanket, I open up my daily affirmation apps. I use two and love that they’re easy, quick and make me feel good! One is called “Spirit Junkie” and the other is called “Mantra”. You can save affirmations you resonate with and go back to them when you need a pick-me-up.


Morning Gratitude Practice

What you focus on, you attract. Do an activity with me really quick. Take 15 seconds to count everything in the room that is blue. Did you count it? Okay so how many things in your room are red. You can’t tell me right? That’s because you weren’t focusing on the red, you were focusing on the blue. It’s the same with your life. When you focus on things you’re grateful for, you see more of what you’re grateful for.

I write my gratitude in my Start Today Journal. This is a journal created by Rachel Hollis. Each day, I write 5 things I’m grateful for in my journal along with 10 dreams I am making happen. You write them in the present tense kind of like an affirmation. I highly recommend this journal for your morning routine!


Personal Development

Next, I listen to or read a personal development book. I try to pick something that I need to hear in whatever season of life I am in. Some of my favorites are….

You Are a Badass

Super Attractor

Build to Last

Girl Stop Apologizing

Girl Wash Your Face

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Brain Dump and Start Your Day

Now that you’ve poured into you for the first bit of your morning, it’s time to brain dump everything you have on your mind and things you want to accomplish.

What I do is brain dump for the month (around the beginning of the month) then I brain dump for the week and schedule out my weekly brain dump for things I want to accomplish each day. This really breaks things up and keeps me moving in the right direction.

So grab a piece of paper (I’m a pencil paper gal but you could use the notes section of your phone or computer) and write out everything on your mind! Then, circle 3 of your TOP priorities and everything else is a “would be nice if I finished it”. As an Enneagram 3, it’s very hard for me to only choose 3 things but once I finish those, everything else is extra and makes me feel even more accomplished!

Add These Morning Routine Ideas to Your Daily Schedule

  1. Start your day off strong by doing something you enjoy!
  2. Read your daily affirmations AND/OR write some of your own.
  3. Write 5 things your grateful for.
  4. Read or listen to personal development.
  5. Brain dump and start your day!

Your Morning Routine

Do you have a morning routine or are you planning to start one? What will you incorporate in your morning routine?

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