My Side Hustle From Home – Behind the Scenes

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I’ve had two different side hustles in my life! My first side hustle came about when I was teaching. I enjoyed creating my own resources for my classroom because I knew it would be exactly what I needed and it was a creative outlet for me. When I found the website Teachers Pay Teachers, I decided I would give selling my resources a shot. This was my first side hustle from home! I’m no longer actively creating resources but my store on Teachers Pay Teachers is still open.

The side hustle I am working now is my health and wellness coaching. This side business basically fell into my lap and wasn’t even something I was looking for but once I started, I fell in love with the business.


My Story

Here’s a little backstory on how I got into my coaching side hustle from home. I had recently had my son and was about 6 weeks postpartum when I found my coach on Instagram. One night, I was scrolling and she had posted about a group she was hosting using workouts I could stream from home. I filled out her info form and got started a day later.

I wanted to join in with her group because I felt uncomfortable in my skin. My body didn’t exactly bounce back after having a baby and I wanted a way to lose weight in the comfort of my home with my newborn beside me. I wanted to create a healthier lifestyle so I could have energy and strength to play with my little guy.

It only took me two weeks to see and feel the effects of these programs and community. She talked to me about getting the 25% off coach discount (naturally I was in because discount, ha!) and I got even more access to the community and met everyone else on the team.

I started to follow along on the team page, hear other women’s stories and what this opportunity was doing for them. They were living lives of purpose, filling their cup and pouring into others! AND getting paid to do this. And I was hooked! So, I talked to my coach about my goals and what I wanted for my life and I’ve been working this side hustle from home since then!


My Side Hustle Online

I am a health and wellness mentor. Basically, what I do is help other people get started and continue living healthier lives. I share my journey and inspire others with my story. I am constantly learning and growing to find what works for me and tips to share with my clients. My health and wellness community is a supportive environment where we check in, cheer each other on and focus on total wellness through fitness, nutrition and mindset.


Interested in joining my health and wellness community? Fill out this form!

This side hustle has two parts. The first part is the health and wellness community. The second aspect is an opportunity to grow a team and mentor other ladies who want to start a coaching side hustle! This is where I get to show others how to also help others live happy and healthy lives. This is where we get to reach more people and make a bigger impact. We get to do it together as a team!

Interested in joining my team? Fill out this form!


Side Business FAQ

How much time does it take to work a side business from home?

You can put in as much or as little time as you want. The best thing about coaching is that your job is to pour into yourself first. You focus on being the best you from the inside out and then you can pour into others. SO you already benefit because you’re working on being your best you and you can decide how much you want to work depending on what your goals are for your side hustle. I work about 2-3 hours a day on my coaching business.

What do I need to do?

As a coach, we (1) take care of ourselves first. We do this through fitness, nutrition and personal development. (2) We share our journey with others and invite them to join in. It’s that simple. Create a healthy lifestyle and share about it so others know that they can join in too.

How much money do you need in order to start?

For many businesses, you need to make quite an investment in order to get started. For coaching, you pay either a $40 sign up fee OR the sign up fee is included with your package of workouts, nutrition plans and first month of supplements. After that, you pay $15 a month to keep your business open and for all the back office resources. You don’t need to purchase and store product, pay to ship anything to your customers.. the company handles all of that!

Want to learn more about coaching? Visit my team instagram @teaminspiringconfidence