The Most Asked Questions about Partnering with BODi Answered

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I want to break everything down and give you all the details so you can decide if partnering with BODi and joining my team is for you! SO here are all the answers to the frequently asked questions I get but if you have another question, please don’t hesitate to reach out! You can email me at or send me a message on Instagram @daniellemgodfrey.

1. How much time does it take?

This business can be anything you want it to be. Some people do it as a side business alongside their full time job. Other people make this their full time job. So really you can put as much or as little time into this as you want.

Generally, I tell my partners who want to make a consistent income to set aside one hour a day 5 days a week for our “Business activity tracker” (BAT) and then you’ll need a few extra hours a month to do any extras like set up your groups (if you choose to run a group), create social media content, send a newsletter (if you choose to), things like that. But again, it’s YOUR business so what you do and how much time to spend in this is up to you. This can be a huge blessing but it can also be challenging to be your own boss.

2. How much does it cost?

Your start up cost is the same to start your own wellness journey and get access to the platform as it is to get access AND start your business. When you become a partner with a total solution pack, your partner fee is waived. Packages vary depending on what you’re looking for that would support your own health goals but generally around $200. Monthly to continue to “keep your business open”, to cover all the back office things, you pay $15.95 USD a month. Network marketing in general is a very low cost, low risk business to start. Partnering with BODi is no different. Low cost, low risk, high potential.

3. Do I have to be a sales person?

NO! You absolutely do now and should not be a sales person. We all know those accounts that just share pictures of their products and send cold messages to people asking them to buy. Highly don’t recommend this strategy because one it feels icky and two it doesn’t work. I’ve never once thought of myself as a sales person working this business. I teach my partners to connect with people. This business is truly making friends and inviting them to a community where we focus on feeling our best and prioritizing ourselves. Nothing salesy about it.

4. What does the work look like?

The work is something you’re probably already doing on social media. Partnering with BODi, our job is basically connecting with people and inviting them to join in in whatever way fits best for their goals and needs. Our company has provided a Business Activity Tracker which spells out exactly what activities are income producing so you have a checklist and place to start each day.

The work is:

  • Sharing your life and what you’re doing on social media so others can connect to you. You can share things like family life, what you do each day, your hobbies, your health and wellness. You’re NOT just a walking billboard for the company. No one connects to that.
  • Scrolling social media and finding people who you relate to or have similar interest to and connecting, becoming friends
  • Inviting those who are following along to join in. Maybe invite them to the next group you’re hosting. Or you can invite them to a challenge your upline partner is hosting. Maybe you want to build a team and host a mentorship for people to learn about the business, invite them to that! If you don’t tell people about your business, they won’t know they can join.
  • Following up with people who have said they were interested. Life gets busy! Following up shows you care about them.
  • Helping the people who do sign up with you get results. Talk to them one on one and/or in your group to be sure they have everything they need to be successful. The work really starts once they say yes to joining you. Show them you care and help them do exactly what you do in prioritizing yourself and your wellness.

You build your confidence with more action you take so just show up. It doesn’t have to be perfect! Scroll back to the beginning of anyone’s business and I’m sure their posts and how they showed up looks much different now than in the beginning. You grow, you get more comfortable, you find your voice the more you take action.

5. Do I have to be good at fitness/nutrition?

Absolutely not! Before I joined this community, I rarely went to the gym and didn’t really prioritize nutrition. Partnering with BODi means you are just providing the same tools and resources that you use to your clients. We have certified trainers and nutritionists so we don’t have to be the expert. I don’t know about you but I would not make it in this business if I had to come up with workouts or meal plans for my people. I’ll leave that to the professionals so I can focus on community, connection and having fun in our wellness.

Becoming a partner has actually made me more comfortable and competent in fitness and nutrition because I’ve learned as I’ve been apart of these programs and followed the nutrition plans.

6. Do I have to be good at social media?

Nope! With anything, you get better the more you learn and do. We have countless trainings when you get started about social media and what to share and how to post but really, just use your social media as a diary. Think of it as your own reality TV show! Share your life (what you’re comfortable with) and people will connect with you.

7. How do I become successful?

One word. CONSISTENCY. This is not a get rich quick business. This business takes time and work. But the work is FUN. How cool is it that you can focus on your health and wellness, share that with others and make an income? It’s truly that simple but it does take consistency.

Consistency in your workouts: If you show up a few days then life gets busy and you stop and then you show up again a week later and then life gets busy and you stop. Do you think people are going to trust you to help them with their fitness if you don’t even stay consistent in yours? No. Consistency builds trust.

Consistency in your nutrition: Same thing with your nutrition. Consistently following a nutrition program not only helps you feel good but it give you something to share. Find an amazing recipe from our library of recipes? Share that! You don’t have to be perfect, but you do need to be consistent.

Consistency in showing up on social media: Your social media is your storefront. When you’re sharing, it shows you’re open for business and ready to help people. You MUST consistently show up on social media in this business. (No, not be glued to your phone and annoy your family.) I’ll teach you how to use your social media time wisely so you can be very present with your family WHILE running your business online.

8. What does my team provide?

Personally, I provide one on one mentorship with all my partners. I want to meet you where you’re at and guide you at a pace that feels good and supports your goals. We set a plan and I encourage and hold you accountable. If you need a challenge or a kick in the booty, I’m there too.

I’m also apart of a top team in the company so we get incredible resources and additional trainings that I get to pass down to you. We are all in this together and genuinely want to see each other succeed. We have weekly team calls in addition to our company wide call. There are also many rewards separate from the income you earn. We have multiple retreat opportunities a year on top of the company trips you can go on and earn.

9. How do we make money?

Partnering with BODi, you make a commission on any orders from anyone who uses your link. Think of this as being an affiliate and having an affiliate code. You get a partner number and can send a link specifically attached to your number so you get the credit. You can also make money through starting a team of partners and earn through team volume.

10. How do I get started?

I would absolutely LOVE to work with you and help you get started! Please fill out this form or just send me a DM on Instagram @daniellemgodfrey or email – If you have BODi access already, that’s great! We’ll set you up with a partner account and then you’ll be added into our team pages and threads. If you’re brand new, that’s great too! We’ll set you up with your BODi access including your partner account and then I’ll add you to our team pages and threads.

Is partnering with BODi right for you?

I hope this answered any of the questions you’ve had about partnering with BODi and joining my team! If you want to chat further, I’m an open book and would love to talk to you! Please please don’t hesitate to reach out. This business and community has changed my life and I am so thankful and passionate about sharing it with others. I hope we get the opportunity to work together and that this can bless your life as well!

Read more about my wellness community here!