Personal Development and Growth: Ask Better Questions, Get Better Answers

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Let’s get a little deep today, k? Let’s dive into some personal development and growth. Have you ever noticed that little voice in your head? That voice that is always asking you questions? Well.. it’s programmed to be constantly searching for answers to the questions you’re asking yourself. Just like a computer!

So, ask yourself better questions, get better answers. It’s simple and I’m gonna teach you what I’ve done to have a more positive mindset and ask myself those better questions.


Be Aware

First things first on this personal development and growth journey. You need to start to become aware of what is going on in your head. You spend a lot of time with your thoughts, but have you ever took some time to realize what you’re saying to yourself? Usually (and especially as women) we’re not the nicest to ourselves. So catch yourself in the act. When you’re aware of what you’re saying to yourself, you will know what you need to work on and change.

Reprogramming your Computer (AKA Your Brain)

Okay, now it’s time to do the work. Whatever you’re asking yourself is what your brain is searching for the answer to validate the questions. For example if you ask yourself “why is it so hard for me to do x, y, z?” (Whatever your hard is) You’ll constantly be looking for and telling yourself the answers of why x, y, z is hard for you. This continues the cycle of that thing being hard, further validating it.

SO ask yourself better questions. How?

  1. Figure out what you’re currently asking yourself and write down anything negative that you don’t want to ask yourself anymore.
  2. Flip the question. Do a complete 180. So for this example – instead of asking “why is it so hard for me to do x, y, z?” write down “why is it so easy for me to do x, y, z?”.
  3. Start reminding yourself to ask this new question. I like to set alarms in my phone for certain times of the day and instead of “ALARM” as the title on it, I write out my new empowering question. For example, in the afternoon, when I’m normally starting to feel tired and done for the day, I have an alarm that asks “why am I so productive?” You better believe it makes me feel more productive and kicks my booty into gear. Another example – at the end of the day right before I’m about to go to bed I have an alarm that asks “why is it so easy to live a life I’m freaking obsessed with?”

It’s going to feel weird at first. BUT the more you ask these empowering questions, the more your brain will be reprogramming itself to think this way automatically.


Other ideas to get these empowering questions in front of you:

  • Write them on post its and stick them where would be appropriate to read them
  • Write them out in a journal each day. Maybe even pick one empowering question to journal about.
  • Try to catch yourself in the act. If you hear yourself reverting back to asking those not so nice questions – catch yourself and flip it right then and there!

I’d love to hear from you if you try any of this and if it was helpful! I love connecting over on instagram @danielle_m_godfrey_

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