Pregnancy Workouts at Home

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First off… congratulations mama!! Whether this is your first pregnancy, second, third, fourth, fifth, etc each pregnancy is such a miracle and I am SO excited for you! If you want to move your body and workout from home during your pregnancy, you’ve come to the right place! Continue reading to hear about my pregnancy workouts at home!


Pregnancy Workouts at Home

I do need to put a little disclaimer… I’m not a trainer. However, I won’t be creating your pregnancy workouts! I host health and wellness communities online that promote total wellness through moving our bodies, fueling our bodies through nutrition, mindset work through personal development and self-care.

The pregnancy workouts I use and do at home are led by certified professionals so rest assured that what you are doing and following along with is perfectly safe for you and baby! Some of my favorites in my OnDemand Library are pre and postnatal barre, a cardio program (modified) and pre and postnatal yoga.

Monthly Wellness Community

During my first pregnancy, I didn’t work out at all. I actually used pregnancy as an excuse to eat all the junk and not take care of my body at all. After having my son, I found this community of women supporting women and fell in love with these programs and groups and how I was feeling by being apart of it all and decided to start hosting my own groups!

Read more about my story here.

Now that I’m pregnant for a second time (at least at the time of this posting), I want to create a space for mamas and mamas-to-be to come together, support each other and have healthy pregnancies. Maybe a healthy pregnancy means taking a walk each day, maybe it’s setting a goal to drink more water, maybe it’s setting aside time for self-care. Whatever your wellness goals are during your pregnancy or postpartum, I’m here to help and support you!

If you want to join my monthly wellness community, please fill out this form and I’ll help you get started!


Tips and Advice

I’m definitely not an expert in working out while pregnant BUT I have learned a few things while on my own journey that I want to share in case it’s helpful!

Staying “motivated” – I don’t believe in motivation because there are days when you feel like it and days that you don’t (especially in pregnancy) BUT I believe in routine. If you do something for 21 days it becomes a habit. SO let’s make moving your body a routine. This can look different depending on how you’re feeling, what trimester you’re in, what’s going on that day BUT if you want to stay committed to something, make a decision and do that thing every single day. Pretty soon you won’t even think about it and motivation isn’t an issue!

Listen to your body – I know I don’t have to tell you this but seriously.. listen to your body! If something doesn’t feel good, stop. If you’re having a hard time, pause. When you need a break, take it. You’re GROWING A HUMAN. Give yourself some grace. You’re not going to be able to do what you have done in the past. That’s ok!

Modify – Again, not a certified trainer BUT when I workout while pregnant I modify pretty much all the moves. I do this by going slower, not going as deep, taking more breaks and skipping moves altogether.

I hope this was helpful! If you’re interested in joining in with my Wellness Community, fill out the form here! I can’t wait to support you on your journey to motherhood.

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