A New Year & a Re-Launch of my Mom Blog

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As this year begins, one of my goals is to follow my passions and work my business in a way that feels good and feels FUN! Blogging has always been an interest of mine starting with my first site www.onekreativekindergarten.com when I was a kindergarten teacher. More on my transition from teacher to WAHM here. Soo.. I’m re-launching this mom blog!

As someone who is building a business in health and wellness, I’ve had different “niche” areas of focus within the wellness space. If you’ve been here for all of my transitions, I appreciate you! The last few years, I’ve been exploring and figuring out exactly what I want and who I want to serve with my business. And as much as I’ve explored and experimented, I always seem to come back to wanting to empower moms of littles to find time for themselves and their passions.


Becoming a Mom

When I became a mom, and often when I talk to other moms, I noticed we all go through a similar season when becoming a mom. All our hobbies and passions seem to come to a halting stop because we’re now responsible for this tiny human. We forget what we enjoyed and we get frustrated when we don’t have time for ourselves.

I’ve learned it doesn’t have to be like this.

We can be an incredible mom AND have time for ourselves and our passions. We can spend time with our families AND have intentional time on our own. An AND life is possible.

Let’s Live and AND Life

I am committed to living an AND life. Being super present with my family and building a business and community that makes an incredible impact. I refuse to let go of my passions just because I’m a mom too. I want to show my kids that they can live an and life. They will know that they can pour into themselves, go after their dreams and prioritize their family. I want them to know they can create any life they want to live. They’ll know because they’re watching me lead the way.

My goal for this mom blog is to show you that you’re capable of living an and life too. I will help you find the time for you so you get to feel joy every single day pouring into you AND being an incredible mom.


What You’ll Find on this Mom Blog

On this blog, I hope you’ll find the inspiration to go after your dreams and do things that you’re passionate about. You’ll find a variety of topics about wellness for moms because it is SO important for us mamas to take care of ourselves so we can pour into others.

Some topics you’ll find:
– Mom empowerment
– Wellness community
– Home workouts
– Nutrition tips, resources and meal plans
– Recipes

If you’re interested and passionate about any of that ☝️, I’d love to connect! I’m most active on Instagram at @daniellemgodfrey come follow along and say hi!

My Online Community for Mamas

Life is just more fun when you do it with other mamas! That’s why I host a monthly wellness community for women (no you don’t have to be a mama but a lot of us are!) We focus on prioritizing ourselves through movement, nutrition and personal development so we can feel incredible from the inside out and have the energy to keep up with our kiddos.

Interested in learning more? Check out all the details here!
