5 Self Care Ideas to Make Yourself a Priority

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It is SO easy for us as women (and if you’re a mama especially) to put ourselves last. We take care of EVERYONE around us: our kids, our husbands, family, friends, BUT what about us? It is SO important for you to make yourself a priority. You are only able to pour into others if you fill up your cup first. These self care ideas will help you make yourself a priority!


1. Let people help you

This one has always been hard for me. As an Enneagram 3, I want to always be the one to get things done and never ask for help. BUT this is so crucial to making yourself a priority because you can’t do everything by yourself.

Something I’ve started doing is ordering my groceries online and all I need to do is pick them up! It saves so much time so I can do other things like play with my baby or things around the house!

When you think about things that others can help you do, think about things you don’t necessarily love doing. Can you hire someone to clean the house? Take your laundry somewhere? Where will you get help? Even if it’s just expressing to your significant other that you need help with certain tasks.

2. Move your body

This self care idea is SO important. When you move your body through exercise you create a natural high through endorphins. It’s amazing what 20-30 minutes of working out can do for you.

Find a way that you enjoy moving your body and do that. Do you enjoy getting outside for a walk? Do you need something convenient where you can work out at home? (If you do, I got you – click here!) Do you have a gym or favorite studio close by? Just find a way to intentionally move your body every day!

Read more about how joining my fitness group helped me feel more like me again


3. Do something for you EVERY day

So often, we put what we like to do on the back-burner because there is laundry to be done and dinner to be made. We’re all busy yes, but if you’re not doing something you love every day are you even really living?

Do you like reading? Or taking a bath? Creating things? DO THAT. And do it every day. Make it a priority! Life is more fun when you do things you love!

4. Wake up earlier

It’s AMAZING how much better you feel when you get some you time in the morning instead of having to rush off to work. Even if it’s just 10 extra minutes to sip your coffee and read a book or stretch your body! Decide what you want to do in the morning and how much time you’ll need to do that and start waking up earlier!


5. Read or listen to personal development

This has been a GAME CHANGER for me personally. Your thoughts create your actions which create your habits in life! It is so important to fuel your brain with positive thoughts! The more I’ve read and listened to personal development, the more I feel I’ve grown as a person. It’s helped me strive to be the best me.

Some of my favorite Books:
You are a Badass by Jen Sincero
Super Attractor by Gabrielle Bernstein
The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis
Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis

Some of my favorite Podcasts:
– EmpowerHer with Kacia Fitzgerald
– Rise Podcast with Rachel Hollis
– Goal Digger with Jenna Kutcher

5 Self Care Ideas to do Every Day

To recap: Everyday you should be making yourself a priority! Use these 5 self care ideas to make yourself a priority.

  1. Let people help you
  2. Move your body
  3. Do something for you every day
  4. Wake up earlier
  5. Read or listen to personal development

What ways do you make yourself a priority through self care?