Side Hustle Online: Change your Life as a Wellness Influencer

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Ahh I’m SO excited to share all about this side hustle online and community that I’ve been apart of that has completely changed my life and how you can JOIN us!!

What is a Wellness Influencer?

So first things first.. what is a wellness influencer? As a wellness influencer, I focus on my health and wellness and share what I’m doing on social media. I help women get plugged into our wellness communities and mentorships so they can prioritize their health and wellness and pour into themselves so they can in turn pour into everyone around them. So often as women, we take care of everyone else’s needs around us and then give the rest of ourselves (which is normally not a lot) to time for us. I’ve learned that we have it all backward. When we pour into ourselves first our cup then can overflow into those around us.


So what is this side hustle? In the simplest terms:

– I focus on my health and wellness first through working out, fueling my body with proper nutrition, reading and listening to personal development to strengthen my mind and taking time for self-care.

– I share my life on social media (of course to a certain degree and what I want to share). My social media, Instagram mainly, is like a vlog of my life and my family’s daily life. We share our day to day, mom life, work at home life, all aspects of who I am, not just my wellness business.

– I connect with ladies and invite them to join in with me either in my monthly wellness communities or in my monthly mentorships (more on that below!)

– I spread love, kindness and inspiration in hopes to help other women know that they are not alone and they always have a place in our community and on our team!

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, fill out this form and we’ll chat!


All About My Team

Team Inspiring Confidence is a group of women focused on helping other women find themselves and their confidence. When I started this team, I was a new mama, uncomfortable in my skin and needed something just for me. I started by working on myself. I read personal development, moved my body and learned about and fueled my body with nutritious foods. Then, I started seeing a shift in myself. I was more confident, had more energy, was driven and felt good from the inside out. So I started sharing about my journey and inviting others to join in with me and our little team was born.

As your coach and mentor, I give you the tools to not only prioritize your health and wellness but also how you can create your own business or side hustle online by helping others prioritize their health and wellness. It’s this ripple effect and we’re growing day by day. I’d love to welcome you to our team and help you change your life with this business!

Read more about my story here!

Side Hustle Online: Info Webinar

If you want to learn more about this community, listen in to one of our info webinars!

What to Expect

Okay, now that you’ve learned more about this side hustle online, what do you think? Does it sound like something that would fit for you and your life? I’d love to chat more and answer any questions you have! We can connect on Instagram @danielle_m_godfrey_ or through email or you can fill out this form directly and I’ll reach out to you!

Here’s what to expect you join my team:
– I’ll help set you up with your package. We’ll find a workout program you’re excited about and plug you into our community.
– You’ll get added to all our team pages which have a ton of resources and we’ll shout you out, welcoming you to the team!
– You’ll join in with our next new coach mentorship. This is where you’ll learn all you need to know to kickstart your business and be successful right from the beginning.
– We’ll get on a one on one call and discuss your goals, any questions you have and further get to know each other.
– We have weekly calls for our team and in the network (all optional and recorded if you can’t make it) that serve as ongoing training to best support you on your journey and in your business.


Really, there is no shortage of tools and resources on our team! We’re all here to encourage and challenge each other to not only be the best versions of ourselves but also challenge each other to dream bigger than we ever thought possible! When you join our team, we’re locking arms and building incredible lives and businesses TOGETHER!

So what do you say girlfriend?? If you’re ready or want to chat more about this side hustle online, fill out the form below and I’ll reach out!