Top tips for Starting a Side Business

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A side business can be such a fun way to pour into something you’re passionate about while making a little (or a lot of) extra money! I’ve had 2 side businesses and still actively work one.

My first side business was creating resources for other kindergarten teachers to use in their classrooms. I loved being creative and making things to help teachers teach the kinder curriculum in fun and engaging ways. I stopped working that business because I left the classroom when I had my son and found a new passion (and side business) to pour into.


Now, I run a wellness community. Right after I had my son, I found a community of women all working to become the best and healthiest versions of themselves inside and out. I joined in and after two weeks fell in love with the community and how I was feeling SO I started sharing with others and began to run my own community. We connect daily, focusing on our physical health, mental health and all things total wellness.

Read more about my community here.

Having a side business has been so beneficial in my life because it gives me a creative outlet, a space to be something other than just “mom” or “wife” and is where I can serve and pour into others while filling my own cup.

If you’re looking to start or build a side business, here are my top tips!


Find something you’re passionate about.

Like ACTUALLY and TRULY passionate about! Reflect on some of these questions:

  • What am I good at?
  • What do I enjoy doing?
  • When people ask me for advice, what is it about?
  • Does anything come more naturally to me than others?
  • What do I want to do more of? (Good accountability in this question!)
  • What is my DREAM job?

Think about how it will fit into your life.

A side business shouldn’t feel like just another THING on your to-do list. It should fit into your life and give you value just as much as it gives others value. Reflect on these questions:

  • When will I work my side business?
  • Will I need to take anything away from my current schedule to fit this in?
  • Do I need to get extra help while I get this side business going? From your spouse or parents or childcare?
  • How much more time am I willing to put into this right now?
  • Is my goal for this to be a little side business or to turn it into my full time business?

Gauge the interest.

Obviously, when starting a business on the side, you want to start something that people will be interested in. You can’t have a business without clients or people who need your services or products. SO gauge the interest!

  • Ask your friends and family if they think it’s a good idea.
  • Do a poll on Instagram and Facebook to see what people thing.
  • Start an email list and collect emails of people who may be interested in your business once it’s been started.

Benefits to Starting a Side Business

For me, having a side business has always been my way of expressing creativity, pouring into something bigger than myself, serving others. It’s a piece of me and my life and is so cool that I can do something I’m passionate about and also earn money from that passion! So in my opinion some benefits to starting a side business:

  • A creative outlet
  • A way to make money WHILE doing something you’re passionate about
  • Giving you a purpose other than “mom” or “wife” or whatever your roles and responsibilities are
  • Chance to serve others and create community and friendships
  • (If it’s your goal) A way to start small and build to eventually be your full time business!

How to Start a Side Business

My biggest piece of advice when starting a side business…. JUST DO IT!

You’re going to have limiting beliefs and question yourself. We all do with anything NEW we start. You’re going to be new in the beginning and you’re going to have to figure it out along the way. Then, sometime down the road you won’t be so new anymore and the stuff that was hard is second nature and you’ll have new challenges that you’ll need to work through. So JUST START. It doesn’t need to be perfect!

Check out the behind the scenes in my side business!