Your Diet for Gut Health and Why it’s Important

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“Gut health” seems to be talked about more and more these days. But why? What’s so important about your gut? (We’ll get to that in a sec.) But first I want to share that no, I am not a doctor or a nutritionist BUT this post is sharing all about my experience going through a 4 week intensive diet for gut health. I’m sharing all I’ve learned and what I’ve gained through completing this program.

Why is gut health important?

Your gut communicates with your brain. So improving your gut health will improve many other areas of your health and wellness.

Improving your gut health could help with:

  • Your energy
  • Your mental clarity
  • Sleep
  • Bloat
  • Skin irritations
  • Stomach discomfort
  • Cravings
  • Headaches
  • Mood swings

How to improve your gut health

Again, I want to state that I am not a doctor or nutritionist but writing about an experience I had to improve my gut health through a 4 week intensive nutrition program. I started this program thinking that I didn’t have any gut irritants. Sure, I got bloated a little after eating certain foods but I never really paid attention to them. I had cravings (especially for sweets) but that’s normal right? I had good energy in the morning but then needed a coffee or energize pick me up in the afternoon. You can relate right?

Going into this program, I didn’t think I’d see results but I was so wrong. In just 4 weeks of limiting foods that are common gut irritants like dairy and gluten, I lost 8 pounds including a ton of bloat, my cravings died down and I didn’t need that afternoon pick me up. Also, I had SO much more mental clarity. So before you write off prioritizing your gut health, maybe give it a chance to see just how good you can feel!

This diet for gut health consisted of no gluten, dairy, alcohol, corn and soy. Depending on your body and goal (to lose, maintain or gain weight) you eat a certain number of portions of each food group. Lots of veggies of course! Also protein, carbs, fruit and healthy fats.

4 Week Gut Health Nutrition Program

If you’re interested to hear more about this gut health nutrition program, I’d love to chat and see if it would be a good fit for you! I host a monthly wellness community for women who want to focus on their health and wellness and feel GOOD in their skin. We all come together to support one another and cheer each other on through all the big AND small wins throughout the journey!

Testimonies and Transformations

These transformations speak for themselves! All of these women went through this 4 week gut health program and saw and FELT incredible results.


What we’re saying!

“My sleep is solid and mood is steady throughout the day. No more crashing!!”

“Feel more like myself again! Less bloat, more energy, sleeping better.”

“I am finally in control of my mind and body.”

“More sustained energy throughout the day, changed my perspective on nutrition!”

“Bloat is gone!”

“I feel direct control of how I want to feel.”

“More energy, no bloat, no pain from inflammation!”


Learn more about my wellness community!